Showing all 2 results

  • Clean Cooking Solutions for Rural Nepal – GS7544 – 2021

    Category: Spot

    STOCK: 23630

    The project involves promotion of improved cooking stoves (ICS) to the people of socially deprived community; specifically to the Dalits (the so called untouchables) and Janajatis (indigenous people). The project intends to avail the households with clean cooking solutions; thereby, displacing the less efficient traditional cooking stoves from the kitchen with stoves of better efficiency. Replacement of the traditional cooking stoves with ICS will reduce the exposure of the family members, specifically women, to the indoor air pollution and therefore result in saving of health related expenses. Each stoves disseminated under the project will potentially reduce the firewood consumption by half.

    $12.00 per VER
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  • Sustainable Rice Cultivation for Marginal Farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India

    Category: Forwards

    STOCK: 300000

    The purpose of the Project is to implement a water saving technology, Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), in the irrigated rice paddies of smallholder farmers in the climate vulnerable districts in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

    VNV is offering a forward contract for 300k VCUs from Sustainable Ric project VCS3156 in Madhya Pradesh for delivery according to the following schedule: 100k in 2023, 100k in 2024 & 100k in 2025.

    For more details, please contact our Sales Department.

    Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $8.00. per VER
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